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Tri County Archive

Legacy Archive | 2000-2010

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2000 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points      
1st  Randolph 136 5 Champions
2nd  Hopatcong 122 3 Champions
3rd  Parsippany 95.5 2 Champions
4th  Roxbury 83.5 3 Champions
5th  Mount Olive 81.5 2 Champions
6th Tie  Jefferson 66 1 Champions
6th Tie  Boonton 66 2 Champions
8th  Montville 64.5
9th  Hanover Park 63.5 1 Champions
10th  Denville 60 2 Champions
11th  Pequannock 53
12th  New Providence 33.5 1 Champions
13th Tie  Bloomingdale 24
13th Tie  Mendham 24
15th  Hanover Township 17.5
16th  Wayne 17
Outstanding Wrestler: Danny Vallimont
Fastest Pin: (6 seconds) Andrew Miller
Coach of the Year: Skip Webb
Team Sportsmanship: Mount Olive
East Division Champ: Hanover Park
Central Division Champ: Voorhees
West Division Champ: Hackettstown
Tournament Host: Roxbury Wrestling Club
52   56
1st David Standridge Randolph 1st Tommy Picillo Mount Olive
2nd Steven Godine Hanover Township 2nd Anthony Ciccone Hopatcong
3rd Shane Parcel Montville 3rd Cody Phillips Montville
4th Joe Orecchio Bloomingdale 4th Stephen Rozgonyi Pequannock
60   64
1st Nick Pastore Hopatcong 1st Ryan Fikslin Roxbury
2nd Justin Vetrini Mount Olive 2nd Nick Seritella Hanover Park
3rd Nick Leider Hanover Park 3rd Kris Whetham Pequannock
4th Michael Guadara Boonton 4th Ben McNeil Parsippany
68   72
1st Kyle Bieg Randolph 1st John Paxos Roxbury
2nd Jeremy Pascale Roxbury 2nd Dario Marcelli Hanover Park
3rd M. Boccellari Hanover Township 3rd Shawn Cooper Hopatcong
4th Glenn Daniel Jefferson 4th Nick Gaeta Montville
76   80
1st Anthony Scognamiglio Randolph 1st Jack McNeil Parsippany
2nd Danny Bisson Roxbury 2nd Tom Jasterbski Montville
3rd John Barnett Jefferson 3rd John Mastrobuono Mendham
4th Dan Herr Denville 4th Stephen Catanzaro Hanover Township
84   88
1st Steve Leatham Roxbury 1st Ray Sarinelli Denville
2nd John Sobotka Hopatcong 2nd Matt Button Mendham
3rd Mike Egan Denville 3rd Jiani LaValle Hanover Park
4th Mike Miller Mount Olive 4th Steven Schiavo Roxbury
92   96
1st James Bianculli Hopatcong 1st Danny Vallimont Jefferson
2nd Larry Rizzo Parsippany 2nd Anthony Nicolicchia Hopatcong
3rd Ryan Vernay Mount Olive 3rd Dan DiColo Mount Olive
4th Spencer Hollerith Montville 4th Jon Reedy New Providence
100   104
1st Willie Spaziani Hopatcong 1st Matt Kaplan Randolph
2nd Ryan Webb Randolph 2nd Brian Hesse Parsippany
3rd Andrew Barnish Montville 3rd Taylor Meytrott Montville
4th Matt Pavlisko Mount Olive 4th Jason Adams Jefferson
111   118
1st Matt Rathbun Boonton 1st Mike Whalen Parsippany
2nd Lennon Freed Randolph 2nd John Takacs Boonton
3rd John Schulien Hopatcong 3rd Ryan McCabe Bloomingdale
4th Mike Adams Parsippany 4th Dave Lofrisco Wayne
125   132
1st Joe Farina Denville 1st Dave Nichols Hanover Park
2nd Dan DeMeo Wayne 2nd Carlos Maruffo Randolph
3rd Dan Brennan Boonton 3rd Andrew Kuenzel Parsippany
4th Dan Trappe Jefferson 4th Dan Balz Jefferson
139   149
1st Chris Hoyt Mount Olive 1st M. Gerardo New Providence
2nd Dayton Frost Pequannock 2nd Andrew Miller Pequannock
3rd Frank Jobeless Hopatcong 3rd Mike Eastman Jefferson
4th R.J. Mount Montville 4th Tony Margve Randolph
176   UNL
1st Will Guridy Randolph 1st Bill Beirmeister Boonton
2nd Cory Petruzziel Pequannock 2nd Vince Lusardi Denville
3rd Brendon Duffy Bloomingdale 3rd Joe Frudemann Denville
4th Conrad Lancaster Jefferson 4th Greg Grieves Jefferson
2000 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Tri-County Sussex-County Match Results Sus Tri
50  Nick Frankavila -Branchville David Standridge - Randolph 12 - 5 3 0
54 Anthony Koert - Lenape Valley Tom Picillo - Mt Olive 0 - 2 0 3
58 Kodie Silvestri - Walkill Valley Nick Pastore - Hopatcong Dec 0 3
62 Jordan Westra - Kittatinny Ryan Fikslin - Roxbury Fall 0 6
66 Brian Bollette - Kittatinny Kyle Bieg - Randolph 1 - 3 0 3
70 Andy Valenti - Kittatinny John Paxos - Randolph 2 - 8 0 3
74 Ryan Forbeck -  Wantage Anthony Scognamiglio - Randolph Fall 6 0
78 Justin Junior - Kittatinny Jack McNeil - Parsippany Forfeit 6 0
82 Tom Spellman - Kittatinny Steve Leatham - Roxbury 4 - 3 3 0
86 Matt Junior - Kittatinny Ray Sarinelli - Denville 2 - 6 0 3
90 Nick Hernandez - Kittatinny James Bianculli -  Hopatcong 5 - 0 3 0
94 Chris De Block - Sparta Danny Vallimont - Jefferson Fall 0 6
98 Phil Pinto - Wallkill Valley Willie Spaziani - Hopatcong Fall 6 0
102 J. Roe - Kittatinny Anthony Nicolicchia - Hopatcong 0 - 1 0 3
109 Kevin Campbell -  Wantage Matt Rathbun - Boonton 7 - 6 3 0
116 Robbie Jordan -  CGA Mike Whalen - Parsippany Fall 0 6
123 Hudson Taylor - Kittatinny Joe Farina - Denville 7 - 0 3 0
130 Cory Quinn - Walkill Valley Dave Nichols - Hanover Park 4 - 0 3 0
137 Jordan Held - Kittatinny Chris Hoyt - Mt Olive 4 - 0 3 0
147 Anthony Keiling - Newton M. Gerardo - New Providence Fall 6 0
174 Alex Maciag -  Wantage Will Guridy - Randolph Fall 6 0
HWT Brandon Perez - Rev Brown Bill Beiermeister - Boonton Fall 0 6
Total: 50 42
2001 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points      
1st Hopatcong 133 1 Champions
2nd Randolph 110 3 Champions
3rd Mount Olive 109.5 2 Champions
4th Parsippany 98 3 Champions
5th Roxbury 98 2 Champions
6th Jefferson 96 4 Champions
7th Hanover Park 78.5 2 Champions
8th Boonton 66 1 Champions
9th Montville 66 1 Champions
10th Pequannock 64 1 Champions
11th New Providence 57
12th Wayne 48
13th Denville 41.5
14th Hanover Township 32.5 1 Champions
15th Bloomingdale 23
16th Mendham 23 1 Champions
Outstanding Wrestler: Danny Vallimont - Jefferson
Fastest Pin: (7 Seconds) Sean Dawiskiba - Roxbury
Coach of the Year: Dan Haines - Hopatcong
Team Sportsmanship: Mount Olive
East Division Champ: Montville
Central Division Champ: Denville & Hanover Park
West Division Champ: Roxbury
Tournament hosts: Mount Olive Wrestling Club
52   56
1st Steve Godine Hanover Township 1st David Standridge Randolph
2nd Daniel Haines Hopatcong 2nd Lou Mascola Hanover Park
3rd Joe Orecchio Roxbury 3rd Shane Parcel Montville
4th Tyler Phillips Montville 4th Pete Smith Mount Olive
60   64
1st Anthony Ciccone Hopatcong 1st Tom Picillo Mount Olive
2nd Cody Phillips Montville 2nd Joey Hayes Hopatcong
3rd Alex LeGrande Mount Olive 3rd Kevin Prosicki Hanover Township
4th Chris Purdue Mendham 4th Jeff Wichot Wayne
68   72
1st Ben McNeil Parsippany 1st Ryan Fikslin Roxbury
2nd Nick Pastore Hopatcong 2nd Kris Whetham Pequannock
3rd Matt Paventa Bloomingdale 3rd Andrew Hill Hopatcong
4th Justin Vetrini Mount Olive 4th Andy Perkins Bloomingdale
76   80
1st Tyler Milonas Jefferson 1st John Barnett Jefferson
2nd Kyle Bieg Randolph 2nd Nick Gaeta Montville
3rd Jeremy Pascale Roxbury 3rd Dan Herr Denville
4th Brian Sampson Boonton 4th Bronson Offerding Mount Olive
84   88
1st John Paxos Roxbury 1st Dario Marcelli Hanover Park
2nd Shawn Cooper Hopatcong 2nd Danny Bisson Roxbury
3rd Sean Miller Wayne 3rd Mike Abigan Parsippany
4th Eric DiColo Mount Olive 4th Alex Anest Boonton
92   96
1st Jack McNeil Parsippany 1st Ken Monarque Jefferson
2nd Tom Jasterbski Montville 2nd Jesse Harrington New Providence
3rd Mike Picillo Mount Olive 3rd Shaun Quigley-Shann Mount Olive
4th Corey Pedrick Randolph 4th Frank Garcia Pequannock
100   104
1st Craig Kennedy Parsippany 1st Jionni LaValle Hanover Park
2nd Ross Baldwin New Providence 2nd Dean Meredith Hopatcong
3rd Billy Steinmetz Denville 3rd Marc Neuwirth New Providence
4th Tim Sisto Roxbury 4th Paul McNeil Parsippany
111   118
1st Danny Vallimont Jefferson 1st Dan DiColo Mount Olive
2nd Larry Rizzo Parsippany 2nd Willie Spaziani Hopatcong
3rd James Anest Boonton 3rd Nick Freda Mendham
4th Steve Leatham Roxbury 4th Sam Harrison Boonton
125   132
1st Taylor Meytrott Montville 1st Matt Rathbun Boonton
2nd Ryan Webb Randolph 2nd Dane DeMeo Wayne
3rd Wil Duschek Jefferson 3rd Chris Stasiak Pequannock
4th Andrew Grenot Roxbury 4th Andrew Barnish Montville
139   149
1st Frank Fioretto Randolph 1st A. J. Tufts Randolph
2nd Dan Brennan Boonton 2nd Adam Siljanoski Denville
3rd Mike Cancelliere Roxbury 3rd Bruce D'Amato Hanover Park
4th Kenny Rivas Hopatcong 4th Brian Thompson Hopatcong
176   UNL
1st Andrew Miller Pequannock 1st Dan Pawlowicz Mendham
2nd Shane Mallory New Providence 2nd
3rd Ryan Davidson Randolph 3rd
4th Joe Gazzillo Wayne 4th
2001 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Tri-County Sussex-County Match Results Tri Sus
52 Steve Godine Nick Frankavila 2 - 18 0 5
56 David Standridge Devin Carter Fall - 2:38 0 6
60 Anthony Ciccone Kodie Silvestri 9 - 16 0 3
64 Joey Hayes Andrew Wrede 1 - 14 0 4
68 Nick Pastore Gavin Tarsa Fall - 4:14 0 6
72 Ryan Fikslin Jordan Westra 12 - 0 4 0
76 Tyler Milonas Greg Case 1 - 2 0 3
80 John Barnett Ryan Forbeck 0 - 6 0 3
84 John Paxos Justin Junior Fall - 4:45 0 6
88 Dario Marcelli Connor Perdisatt 16 - 1 5 0
92 Tom Jasterbski Kellen Bradley Fall - 2:01 0 6
96 Ken Monarque Matt Junior Fall - 3:48 0 6
100 Craig Kennedy Tommy Mikolay 8 - 10 Single OT 0 3
104 Jionni LaValle Tyler Branham 5 - 2 3 0
111 Danny Vallimont Will Livingston 11 - 1 4 0
118 Dan DiColo Dan Tramontozzi 0 - 3 0 3
125 Taylor Meytrott Phillip Pinto 5 - 7 0 3
132 Matt Rathbun Zach Weinrich 7 - 11 0 3
139 Frank Fioretto Robbie Jordan 6 - 2 3 0
149 A.J. Tufts Hudson Taylor Fall - :27 0 6
176 Andrew Miller Ernie Wunder 8 - 5 3 0
SHWT Dan Pawlowicz William Wilson Fall - 2:17 0 6
Total: 22 72
2002 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Tri-County Sussex-County Match Results Tri Sus
52 TRI-Honickel, Ronnie SUS-Bach, Travis 6-2 3 0
56 TRI-Schmidt, Dylan SUS-Francavilla, Nick Fall :28 0 6
60 TRI-Standridge, David SUS-Wagenhoffer, Drew 10-7 3 0
64 TRI-Ramos, Gabe SUS-Carter, Devon 6-3 3 0
68 TRI-Amada, Mike SUS-Koert, Anthony 5-0 0 3
70 TRI-Pastore, Nick SUS-Wrede, Andrew Fall 2:00 0 6
76 TRI-Serritella, Nick SUS-Grogan, Paul 6-5 3 0
80 TRI-Fikslin, Ryan SUS-Tarsa, Gavin 16-0 5 0
84 TRI-Bieg, Kyle SUS-Hernandez, Troy Fall 1:10 6 0
88 TRI-Barnett, John SUS-Bollette, Brian 7-1 3 0
90 TRI-Gaeta, Nick SUS-Tedesco, Mike Fall 1:51 0 6
92 TRI-Hutton, Dan SUS-Wilson, Paul 4-0 0 3
96 TRI-Vernon, Cory SUS-Case, Greg 6-4 Single-OT 3 0
100 TRI-Marcelli, Dario SUS-Junior, Justin 4-1 3 0
104 TRI-Monarque, Kenny SUS-Spellman, Tom 9-2 0 3
111 TRI-Harrington, Jesse SUS-Livingston, Will Fall 2:20 0 6
118 TRI-Egan, Mike SUS-Russo, DJ 7-2 0 3
125 TRI-Honickel, Kyle SUS-Dalrymple, Alex 5-1 0 3
132 TRI-Agbonna, McPaul SUS-Tackas, Phil 5-3 0 3
139 TRI-Meytrot, Taylor SUS-Celi, Phil 4-0 3 0
149 TRI-Barnish, Andrew SUS-Roselle, Mike 9-6 0 3
176 TRI-Dietz, Chris SUS-Hagen, Pat 7-4 3 0
Hwt TRI-VanMoerkerken, Shawn SUS-Zamirski, Peter Fall :57 0 6
Total: 38 51
2002 Tri-County Vs. Essex-County Tournament Champions
Wt. Tri-County Essex-County Match Results Tri Ess
52 PEQ-DeGeorge, RJ BLM-Lantz, Chris fall 1:22 6 0
56 MTO-Schmidt, Dylan BLM-Penberthy, Cavan 7-6 3 0
60 HNV-Godine, Steve CAL-Kratch, Jason fall 2:27 6 0
64 HOP-Ramos, Gabe BLM-DelVecchio, John fall 3:26 6 0
68 MTO-Amada, Mike CAL-Lavarato, Rich fall 1:27 0 6
72 HOP-Pastore, Nick CAL-Kratch, Andrew fall 1:17 6 0
76 HKT-Perrelli, Frank LIV-Kane, Zach 5-1 3 0
80 ROX-Fikslin, Ryan CAL-Cortese, Joe 9-1 4 0
84 RAN-Bieg, Kyle MIL-Priori, Anthony fall 3:20 6 0
88 JEF-Barnett, John MIL-Chandler, Rick 3-0 3 0
92 HKT-Hutton, Dan LIV-Robertson, Sean 10-2 0 4
96 HKT-Vernon, Cory CAL-Eidel, Tom OT 9-7 0 3
100 HPK-Marcelli, Dario CAL-Alex, Steven fall 1:00 6 0
104 JEF-Monarque, Kenny no contest 6 0
111 NPR-Harrington, Jesse no contest 6 0
118 DEN-Egan, Mike LIV-Martell 8-2 3 0
125 VOR-Honickel, Kyle LIV-Kent, Spencer 8-2 3 0
132 HPK-Agbonna, McPaul MIL-Podhoretz, Seth 3-1 3 0
139 MON-Meytrot, Taylor CAL-Kane, Mike fall 2:32 6 0
149 MON-Barnish, Andrew LIV-Tshilas, Bill fall 2:35 6 0
176 VOR-Dietz, Chris LIV-Kane, John fall 3:53 0 6
Total: 82 19
2003 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points      
1st Hackettstown 130 3 Champions
2nd Voorhees 111 3 Champions
3rd Pequannock 105 3 Champions
4th Hopatcong 96 1 Champion
5th Jefferson 90 4 Champions
6th Montville 87 1 Champion
7th Randolph 85 1 Champion
8th Roxbury 76.5 2 Champions
9th Denville 66 1 Champion
10th Mount Olive 56 1 Champion
11th New Providence 49.5
12th Hanover Park 44
13th Hanover Township 34 1 Champion
14th Wayne 30
15th Boonton 10
16th Berkeley Heights 6
Outstanding Wrestler: Cory Vernon - Hackettstown
Fastest Pin: (:14 Seconds) Frank Garcia - Pequannock
Coach of the Year: Chris Smith - Hackettstown
Team Sportsmanship: Roxbury
North Division Team Champions: Roxbury
South Division Team Champions: Hanover Park
East Division Team Champions: Pequannock
West Division Team Champions: Hackettstown
Tournament Host: Roxbury Wrestling Club
52   56
1st Christian Okulicz Voorhees 1st RJ DeGeorge Pequannock
2nd Tyler Kozimor Hackettstown 2nd John Gardner New Providence
3rd Gennaro Cuocolo Hanover Park 3rd Xaviel Ramos Hopatcong
4th Steven Caserta Roxbury 4th Anthony Botro Randolph
60   64
1st Andrew Gallo Mount Olive 1st Steve Godine Hanover Township
2nd Mike Polizzi Montville 2nd Danny Haines Hopatcong
3rd Robert Napolitano Hackettstown 3rd David Standridge Randolph
4th Tyler Van Dyke Pequannock 4th Sal Mastriani Montville
68   72
1st Gabe Ramos Hopatcong 1st DJ Kerwein Jefferson
2nd Lou Mascolo Hanover Park 2nd Travis Tjong Hackettstown
3rd Jeff Nicholls Wayne 3rd Shane Parcel Monville
4th Mat Armbruster Montville 4th Joe Gaccione Hopatcong
76   80
1st Bryan Palanchi Roxbury 1st Chris Bisbee Voorhees
2nd Cody Phillips Montville 2nd Cody Sternlicht Denville
3rd Mike Amada Mount Olive 3rd Luckson Entienne Hackettstown
4th Mike Hafke Vorhees 4th Mike Johnstone Hanover Park
84   88
1st Owen Vernon Hackettstown 1st Chad Mazurek Voorhees
2nd Nick Pastore Hopatcong 2nd Brandon Harrington New Providence
3rd Matt Nobbs New Providence 3rd Keith Morris Hackettstown
4th Joe Casale Denville 4th Anthony Johnstone Hanover Park
92   96
1st Kyle Bieg Randolph 1st Tyler Milonas Jefferson
2nd Will Larusso Roxbury 2nd Jude Tropono Pequannock
3rd Jake Grubert Hanover Park 3rd Andy Hill Hopatcong
4th Bronson Offerding Mount Olive 4th Dan Herr Denville
100   104
1st Kris Whetham Pequannock 1st John Barnett Jefferson
2nd Larry Peottier New Providence 2nd Sean Collins Randolph
3rd Rich Hoer Hopatcong 3rd Charlie Whitecavage Voorhees
4th Jeremy Pascale Roxbury 4th Eric DiColo Mount Olive
111   118
1st Nick Gaeta Montville 1st Cory Vernon Hackettstown
2nd James Currey Pequannock 2nd Tom Jasterbski Montville
3rd Joe Ficchi Hanover Township 3rd Alan Niederlander Mount Olive
4th TJ McKowen Denville 4th Trevor Salvatore Jefferson
125   132
1st Ken Monarque Jefferson 1st Dan Massaro Hackettstown
2nd Bob Bishop Wayne 2nd Frank Garcia Pequannock
3rd Trevor Mortsea Voorhees 3rd AJ Pagano Hopatcong
4th CJ Engelberger Hanover Township 4th Greg Duryea Voorhees
139   149
1st John Sternlicht Denville 1st Jared Smith Pequannock
2nd Matt Cowap Hackettstown 2nd Brian Erdek Voorhees
3rd Mike Suk Randolph 3rd Kyle Tufts Randolph
4th Dustin Brooks Boonton 4th Evan McLaughlin Jefferson
176   UNL
1st Santino Mangiro Roxbury 1st Rob Garone Randolph
2nd Zac Walsh Denville 2nd Arjan Leka Montville
3rd Fred Orchard Randolph 3rd Dan Glaydick Voorhees
4th Dan Crooks Pequannock 4th
2003 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Sussex-County Tri-County Match Results Sus Tri
51 Justin Bellis, Branchville Christian Okulicz, Voorhees 15-0 5 0
57 Travis Bach, Stillwater-Fredon R.J. DeGeorge, Pequannock 3-15 0 4
62 Nick Frankavilla, Branchville Andrew Gallo, Mt. Olive pin 1:17 6 0
66 Billy Gould, Sussex Wantage Steve Godine, Hanover Twp. 9-1 4 0
70 Devin Carter, Sussex Wantage Gabriel Ramos, Hopatcong 16-3 4 0
74 Kodie Silvestri, Wallkill Valley Cody Phillips, Montville 15-3 4 0
78 Andrew Wrede, Lenape Bryan Palanchi, Roxbury pin 2:49 6 0
82 Ryan Callahan, Wallkill Valley Chris Bisbee, Voorhees 9-0 4 0
86 Paul Grogan, Lenape Owen Vernon, Hacketstown 10-2 4 0
90 Troy Hernandez, Hampton Chad Mazurek, Voorhees 7-5 3 0
94 Kyle Donadio, Sussex-Wantage Kyle Bieg, Randolph 0-7 0 3
98 Brian Bollette, Hampton Tyler Milonas, Jefferson 1-2 0 3
102 Troy Branham, Hampton Rich Hoer, Hopatcong 7-1 3 0
105 Brandon Prentice, Wallkill Valley Nick Gaeta, Montville 2-8 0 3
110 Justin Junior, Hampton John Barnett, Jefferson 3-6 0 3
118 Greg Case, Branchville Cory Vernon, Hacketstown 4-2 OT 3 0
123 Matt Olivo, Lenape Ken Monarque, Jefferson 8-6 OT 3 0
130 Tom Spellman, Stillwater-Fredon Dan Massaro, Hacketstown pin 2:45 6 0
137 Mike Olivo, Lenape John Sternlickt, Denville 14-4 4 0
147 Phil Tackas, Sparta Jared Smith, Pequannock 13-1 4 0
160 Greg Borras, Sussex-Wantage Fred Orchard, Randolph pin :22 6 0
177 Brad Thomas, Branchville Santino Mangiro, Roxbury 1-6 0 3
Hwt Joe Dacey, Rev. Brown Robert Garrone, Randolph pin 2:15 0 6
Total: 69 25
2004 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
1st Montville 263 3 Champions
2nd Randolph 221.5 5 Champions
3rd Hackettstown 216.5 1 Champion
4th Hanover Park 171.5 1 Champion
5th Mount Olive 161 2 Champions
6th Denville 156.5
7th Jefferson 154.5 2 Champions
8th Hopatcong 147.5 1 Champion
9th Roxbury 147 1 Champion
10th Voorhees 119.9 2 Champions
11th Pequannock 84 1 Champion
12th Wayne 74 1 Champion
13th Boonton 44 1 Champion
Outstanding Wrestler: Kyle Bieg - Randolph
Fastest Pin: Nick Pastore
TCYWL Tournament Team Champions: Montville
Division Dual Meet Champions: Randolph
North Division Champs: Randolph
South Division Champs: Montville
Coach of the Year: Lascala - Montville
Team Sportsmanship: Roxbury
52   56
1st Hernandez, Kevin Roxbury 1st McKenna, Joe Montville
2nd Tareky, Sam Wayne 2nd Kozimor, Tyler Hackettstown
3rd Nobile, Dakota Jefferson 3rd Okulicz, Christian Voorhees
4th Gaccione, Jason Hopatcong 4th Cuocolo, Gennaro Hanover Park
5th Rosenberg, Jan Denville 5th Caserta, Steven Roxbury
6th Cali, Sam Montville 6th Crupi, Dylan Randolph
7th/8th Pidoto, Justin Hackettstown 7th/8th Coppa, Chaz Pequannock
7th/8th Vazzano, Tommy Mount Olive 7th/8th Ramos, David Jefferson
60   64
1st Botro, Anthony Randolph 1st Gallo, Andrew Mount Olive
2nd De ore, Mike Mount Olive 2nd DeGeorge, R.J. Pequannock
3rd Higgins, Ryan Jefferson 3rd Garripoli, Timmy Roxbury
4th Cali, Michael Montville 4th Ramos, Xaviel Hopatcong
5th Artiglier, Dylan Roxbury 5th Healy, Patrick Jefferson
6th Wulff, Steve Denville 6th Meytrott, Parker Montville
7th/8th Gaffney, Emonn Hanover Park 7th/8th McKowen, Steve Denville
7th/8th Hutton, Katie Hackettstown 7th/8th Zeigler, Josh Voorhees
68   72
1st Standridge, David Randolph 1st Nicholls, Jeff Wayne
2nd Polizzi, Mike Montville 2nd Mastriani, Sal Montville
3rd Scala, Alfonse Hanover Park 3rd Kozimor, Corey Hackettstown
4th Napolitano, Robert Hackettstown 4th Papa, Cody Voorhees
5th Schmidt, Dylan Mount Olive 5th Donald, Stephen Denville
6th Papa, Shane Voorhees 6th Gundy, Greg Randolph
7th/8th Snyder, Jason Jefferson 7th/8th Van Pelt, Ryan Hopatcong
7th/8th Williams, Keith Denville 7th/8th Van Dyke, Tyler Pequannock
76   80
1st Mascolo, Lou Hanover Park 1st Phillips, Cody Montville
2nd Caserta, C.J. Roxbury 2nd Gaccione, Joe Hopatcong
3rd Haines, Daniel Hopatcong 3rd Kinney, Gerrit Hackettstown
4th Parcel, Shane Montville 4th Monarque, Michael Jefferson
5th Rothman, Jason Hackettstown 5th Canfora, Jeff Hanover Park
6th Smith, Pete Mount Olive 6th Collins, Kevin Randolph
7th/8th Miller, Mike Wayne 7th/8th Barnish, Rich Boonton
7th/8th Coveney, Brandon Jefferson 7th/8th Durako, TJ Denville
84   88
1st Ramos, Gabe Hopatcong 1st Amada, Mike Mount Olive
2nd LeGrande, Alex Mount Olive 2nd Entienne, Luckson Hackettstown
3rd Cuocolo, Nick Hanover Park 3rd Ciccone, Anthony Hopatcong
4th Rigoglioso, Luke Wayne 4th Vitale, Steve Randolph
5th Strumolo, Steven Jefferson 5th Chierci, Matt Montville
6th Armbruster, Matt Montville 6th McEwan, Ryan Wayne
7th/8th Friedman, Jordan Hackettstown 7th/8th Bohn, Jake Jefferson
7th/8th Rampone, Michael Randolph 7th/8th Glinko, Dan Hanover Park
92   96
1st Hafke, Mike Voorhees 1st Vernon, Owen Hackettstown
2nd Palanchi, Bryan Roxbury 2nd Pastore, Nick Hopatcong
3rd Leider, Nick Hanover Park 3rd Johnstone, Anthony Hanover Park
4th Alexander, Kevin Montville 4th Murphy, Kevin Roxbury
5th Ryan, Ned Mount Olive 5th D'Agastino, Ralph Voorhees
6th Platt, Cameron Randolph 6th Matos, Jonathan Randolph
7th/8th Markowski, Bobby Wayne 7th/8th Morris, Christian Montville
7th/8th Mariano, Anthony Hopatcong 7th/8th Ryan, Dan Mount Olive
100   104
1st Strumolo, Frank Jefferson 1st Bieg, Kyle Randolph
2nd DiMarco, Austin Denville 2nd Offerding, Bronson Mount Olive
3rd Murphy, Matt Hackettstown 3rd Grubert, Jake Hanover Park
4th Johnstone, Mike Hanover Park 4th Foley, Rick Hackettstown
5th Sterling, Ray Mount Olive 5th Casale, Joe Denville
6th Duddy, Dan Montville 6th Dattolo, Anthony Roxbury
7th/8th Purcell, Mike Roxbury 7th/8th Monteverdi, Mike Jefferson
7th/8th Farbanish, Zach Randolph 7th/8th Ferraro, Joe Voorhees
111   118
1st Tropona, Jude Pequannock 1st Collins, Sean Randolph
2nd Herr, Dan Denville 2nd Garripoli, Zach Roxbury
3rd Ulm, Taylor Hackettstown 3rd Burzak, Julian Montville
4th Maroldi, Nick Boonton 4th Morris, Chris Hackettstown
5th McClure, Danny Montville 5th Tracy, Chris Hanover Park
6th Richards, Bryan Voorhees 6th Jones, Russel Denville
7th/8th Schulien, Mike Hopatcong 7th/8th Maloney, Joey Mount Olive
7th/8th Cuervo, Matt Jefferson 7th/8th Green, Tyler Hopatcong
125   132
1st Whitecavage, Charlie Voorhees 1st Jasterbski, Tom Montville
2nd Derosa, Vinnie Denville 2nd Orchard, Kevin Randolph
3rd Dallicardillo, Matt Jefferson 3rd Ponomarev, Nick Pequannock
4th Pascale, Jeremy Roxbury 4th Derosa, Nick Denville
5th Landy, Ron Hanover Park 5th Hopler, Kyle Mount Olive
6th Rosen, Jake Randolph 6th Gough, Steve Jefferson
7th/8th Shule, Billy Hopatcong 7th/8th Lomio, Mike Hanover Park
7th/8th Barnish, Greg Montville 7th/8th Clark, Shane Voorhees
139   149
1st Anest, Alex Boonton 1st Salvatore, Trevor Jefferson
2nd Davidson, JP Montville 2nd Sternlicht, John Denville
3rd Quintaglia, Jared Denville 3rd Hodge, Adam Hackettstown
4th Stasiak, Kevin Pequannock 4th Laurillierd, Matt Randolph
5th Flanner, Adam Hanover Park 5th Brooks, Dustin Boonton
6th Brittle, Seth Mount Olive 6th Lucas, Amil Mount Olive
7th/8th 7th/8th Grogan, Bob Hanover Park
7th/8th 7th/8th Yarosz, Carlos Hopatcong
1st Tufts, Kyle Randolph
2nd Kourbanob, Tom Montville
3rd Lake, Brian Denville
4th Kaszyk, Ken Voorhees
5th Flemming, Casey Hackettstown
6th Henson, Steven Hopatcong
7th/8th Denoquolo, Doug Pequannock
2004 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Tri-County Sussex-County Match Results Tri Sus
51 Kevin Hernandez - Roxbury Justin Bellis - Branchville pin 0 6
55 Joe McKenna - Montville Benvenuto - Lenape Valley pin 6 0
58 Anthony Botro - Randolph Klaus - Sussex-Wantage 6-3 0 3
63 Andrew Gallo - Mount Olive Jacinto - Stillwater 4-0 0 3
67 David Standridge - Randolph Travis Bach - Stillwater 4-0 3 0
71 Jeff Nicholls - Wayne Nick Frankavilla - Branchville 2-0 0 3
75 Lou Mascolo - Hanover Park Billy Gould - Sussex-Wantage 3-2 3 0
79 Cody Phillips - Montville Devin Carter - Sussex-Wantage 11-7 3 0
83 Gabe Ramos - Hopatcong Cody Sylvestri - Wallkill 3-2 3 0
87 Mike Amada - Mount Olive Andrew Wrede - Lenape Valley pin 0 6
91 Mike Hefke - Voorhees NicK Bach - Stillwater pin 0 6
85 Owen Vernon - Hackettstown Gavin Tarza - Sussex-Wantage maj 0 4
99 Frank Strumolo- Jefferson Ryan Callahan - Wallkill 4-3 0 3
103 Kyle Bieg - Randolph Billy Smith - Sussex-Wantage pin 6 0
110 Jude Tropona - Pequannock Kyle Donadio - Sussex-Wantage 7-0 3 0
117 Sean Collins - Randolph Braden Carter - Sussex-Wantage 8-4 3 0
124 Charlie Whitecavage - Voorhees Troy Branham - Hampton 9-5 0 3
128 Kevin Orchard - Randolph Austin Alpaugh - Newton 13-4 0 4
131 Tom Jasterbski - Montville Billy Hotalen - Sussex-Wantage 12-1 4 0
138 Alex Anest - Boonton Vinnie Gallo - Sussex-Wantage 6-4 OT 0 3
148 Trevor Salvatore - Jefferson Moschella - Lenape Valley pin 6 0
175 Kyle Tufts - Randolph Brad Thomas - Branchville pin 6 0
SHWT Robert Garone - Randolph Taylor Morrisen - Sparta default 6 0
Total: 52 44
2005 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
Montville 298 6 Champions
Hanover Park 241 2 Champion
Randolph 182 3 Champions
Jefferson 176 1 Champion
Voorhees 167.5 5 Champions
Hopatcong 155 1 Champion
Mount Olive 153 1 Champion
Hackettstown 145 1 Champion
Roxbury 106 1 Champion
Morris Hills 96.5 1 Champion
Mahwah 89.5
Pequannock 80 1 Champion
Morris Knolls 62
Outstanding Wrestler: Sal Mastriani - Montville
Fastest Pin: Josh Smith - Montville :08
TCYWL Tournament Team Champions: Montville
Division Dual Meet Champions: Hanover Park
North Division Champs: Jefferson
South Division Champs: Hanover Park
Coach of the Year: Joe LaValle - Hanover Park
Team Sportsmanship: Randolph
52   56
1st Anthony Fano Montville 1st Justin Pidoto Hackettstown
2nd Austin  Pidoto Hackettstown 2nd Dakota  Nobile Jefferson
3rd Dylan  Luciano Mount Olive 3rd Jan  Rosenberg Morris Knolls
4th Craig  Roumes Roxbury 4th Sam  Cali Montville
5th Tommy  Attanasio Voorhees 5th Kyle  Paff Hanover Park
6th Gene  Angelo Hanover Park 6th Lou  Carussillo Pequannock
7th/8th Brian Damon Jefferson  7th/8th Jake Legotte Roxbury 
7th/8th Matthew Amos Morris Hills  7th/8th Cody Ihling Voorhees 
60   64
1st Christian Okulicz Voorhees 1st Joe McKenna Montville
2nd Kevin  Hernandez Roxbury 2nd Tyler  Kozimor Hackettstown
3rd Mike  Monica Montville 3rd Steven  Caserta Roxbury
4th Chaz  Coppa Pequannock 4th James  Rivera Mount Olive
5th Ryan  Paff Hanover Park 5th Ryan  Higgins Jefferson
6th Dylan  Crupi Randolph 6th Gennaro  Cuccolo Hanover Park
7th/8th CJ Miele Mount Olive  7th/8th Vinnie Botro Randolph 
7th/8th Austin Sisco Morris Knolls  7th/8th Tyler Yarnall Voorhees 
68   72
1st R.J. DeGeorge Pequannock 1st Timmy Garripoli Roxbury
2nd Trevor  Albrecht Mahwah 2nd Xaviel  Ramos Hopatcong
3rd Patrick  Healy Jefferson 3rd Robert  Napolitano Hackettstown
4th Anthony  Botro Randolph 4th Parker  Meytrott Montville
5th Dillon  Artigliere Roxbury 5th Steve  McKowen Morris Knolls
6th Michael  Cali Montville 6th Ray  Timpani Randolph
7th/8th Eammon Gaffney Hanover Park  7th/8th Anthony Bassolino Hanover Park
7th/8th Anthony Capaccio Morris Hills  7th/8th Dylan Offerding Mount Olive 
76   80
1st David Standridge Randolph 1st Sal Mastriani Montville
2nd Mike  Polizzi Montville 2nd Lou  Mascolo Hanover Park
3rd Ryan  Van Pelt Hopatcong 3rd Daniel  Haines Hopatcong
4th Andrew  Gallo Mount Olive 4th Corey  Kozimor Hackettstown
5th Alfonse  Scala Hanover Park 5th Stephen  Donald Morris Hills
6th Bobby  Weisse Pequannock 6th Thomas  Asbaty Randolph
7th/8th Keith Williams Morris Hills 7th/8th N/A
7th/8th Shane Papa Voorhees  7th/8th N/A
84   88
1st Shane Parcel Montville 1st Michael Monarque Jefferson
2nd Sam  Peters Jefferson 2nd Jason  Rothman Hackettstown
3rd Jeff  Canfora Hanover Park 3rd Kevin  Collins Randolph
4th C.J.  Caserta Roxbury 4th Charlie  Savino Hanover Park
5th Pete  Smith Mount Olive 5th Joey  Grosinski Mount Olive
6th Brian  Wrede Randolph 6th Matt  Armbruster Montville
7th/8th Sean Afflitto Pequannock  7th/8th Paul Lihartz Hopatcong 
7th/8th Vinnie Peoni Voorhees  7th/8th Max Gilmour Mahwah 
92   96
1st Cody Phillips Montville 1st Steve Vitale Randolph
2nd Joe  Gaccione Hopatcong 2nd Steven  Strumolo Jefferson
3rd TJ  Kourgelis Mahwah 3rd Anthony  Mariano Hopatcong
4th Cameron  Platt Randolph 4th Matt  Chierci Montville
5th Gerrit  Kinney Hackettstown 5th Ned  Ryan Mount Olive
6th Jadaen  Bernstein Voorhees 6th TJ  Durako Morris Knolls
7th/8th Frank O'Connor Hanover Park  7th/8th Zach Bohn Voorhees 
7th/8th George Scalley Jefferson  7th/8th Devin Murphy Hackettstown 
100   104
1st Colin Hayes Voorhees 1st Mike Hafke Voorhees
2nd Mike  Amada Mount Olive 2nd Frank  Strumolo Jefferson
3rd Anthony  Johnstone Hanover Park 3rd Nick  Leider Hanover Park
4th Pete  Van Eck Morris Knolls 4th Kevin  Alexander Montville
5th Ryan  Sblendorio Mahwah 5th Chris  Dombroski Mahwah
6th Rob  Smith Randolph 6th Brian  Knierim Randolph
7th/8th Anthony Vasile Jefferson  7th/8th Gage Karnis Hackettstown 
7th/8th Mike Intile Montville  7th/8th Alex Ioffredo Hopatcong 
111   118
1st Ralph DAgastino Voorhees 1st Cody Sternlicht Morris Hills
2nd Mike  Johnstone Hanover Park 2nd Matt  Henrici Mahwah
3rd Ryan  Crotty Hopatcong 3rd Kevin  Murphy Roxbury
4th Vinny  Lizzi Montville 4th Kyle  Castellonia Jefferson
5th Jonathan  Matos Randolph 5th Matt  Gibney Hopatcong
6th Nick  Esemplare Pequannock 6th John  Gearhart Morris Knolls
7th/8th Joe Ojeda Jefferson  7th/8th Tymon Conroy Voorhees 
7th/8th Bryan Canfield Roxbury  7th/8th Kyle Niedzinski Hanover Park 
125   132
1st Jake Grubert Hanover Park 1st Henry Knabe Voorhees
2nd Mike  Schulien Hopatcong 2nd William  Mulligan Montville
3rd Joseph  Casale Morris Hills 3rd Massinno  Del Sordi Hanover Park
4th Omar  Assali Randolph 4th Max  Becker Jefferson
5th Matt  Cuervo Jefferson 5th Joe  Ruggerio Pequannock
6th Tommy  Camel Morris Knolls 6th Jared  Kocaj Morris Hills
7th/8th Jeff Hughes Roxbury  7th/8th Aeron Gilson Mount Olive 
7th/8th Taylor Bernstein Montville  7th/8th Darren Cimbal Randolph 
139   149
1st Mike Lomio Hanover Park 1st Greg Barnish Montville
2nd Rich  Minchuck Hopatcong 2nd Kevin  Persson Mount Olive
3rd Bobby  Burd Voorhees 3rd Russell  Jones Morris Knolls
4th Justin  Rigoglioso Pequannock 4th Bob  Grogan Hanover Park
5th Mike  Monteverdi Jefferson 5th Nick  Gangemi Hackettstown
6th Joey  Maloney Mount Olive 6th John  Hulbert Morris Hills
7th/8th Mike Ripley Montville  7th/8th Chris Smith Jefferson 
7th/8th Armando Paz Morris Hills  7th/8th Michael Spencer Pequannock 
176   SHWT
1st Amil Lucas Mount Olive 1st Mike Suk Randolph
2nd Andy  Betz Morris Hills 2nd Hoppler Kyle Mount Olive
3rd Scott  Bidlack Randolph 3rd Yannuzzi Chris Hanover Park
4th Ryan  DeCoursey Hanover Park 4th Larson Torry Mahwah
5th Josh  Smith Montville 5th Santos Jose Hackettstown
6th Shohei  Ogawa Hackettstown
7th/8th Scott Burd Voorhees 
7th/8th Joesph Yarosz Hopatcong 
2005 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Sussex-County Tri-County Match Results Sus Tri
52 Ryan Cullen - Branchville Anthony Fano – Montville 18-2 5 0
56 Tom Murphy - Hampton Justin Pidoto – Hackettstown 7-5 0 3
60 Matt Benvenuto – Lenape Christian Okulicz – Voorhees 2-2 0 3
64 Avelino Jacinto – Stillwater Joey McKena – Montville 5-2 0 3
68 Travis Bach – Stillwater Trevor Albrecht – Mahwah pin 6 0
72 Bill Hagany – Sparta Timmy Garripoli – Roxbury 2-1 3 0
76 Nick Frankavilla – Branchville David Standridge – Randolph 8-0 4 0
80 Devin Carter – Sussex Sal Mastriani – Montville 13-9 0 3
84 Chris Burge – Hampton Shane Parcel – Montville pin 0 6
88 Billy Gould – Sussex Mike Monarque – Jefferson 9-0 4 0
92 Kodie Silvestri – Wallkill Cody Phillips – Montville pin 6 0
96 Tyler Forbeck – Sussex Steve Vitale – Randolph pin 6 0
100 Andrew Wrede – Lenape Colin Hayes – Voorhees 11-1 4 0
104 Nick Bach – Stillwater Mike Hafke – Voorhees 9-2 3 0
111 Billy Smith – Sussex Ralph Dagostino – Voorhees 4-2 3 0
118 Troy Hernandez – Hampton Cody Sternlicht– Morris Hills pin 6 0
125 Sean Callahan – Wallkill Jake Grubert – Hanover Park pin 0 6
132 Ryan Callahan – Wallkill Henry Knabe – Voorhees 8-4 3 0
139 Braden Carter – Sussex Mike Lomio – Hanover Park 9-8 3 0
149 Christian Kasa – Wallkill Kevin Perrson - Mt. Olive pin 6 0
175 Max Lehman - Wallkill Amil Lucas – Mt. Olive 10-2 4 0
HWT Rich Salomon – Lenape Mike Suk - Randolph pin 0 6
Total: 66 30
2006 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
Hanover Park 278.5 4 Champions
Montville 229.5 4 Champions
Randolph 216 2 Champions
Jefferson 177 2 Champions
Mahwah 167 1 Champion
Hackettstown 154.5
Pequannock 142 2 Champions
Voorhees 116.5 2 Champions
Mount Olive 115.5 2 Champions
Roxbury 89.5
Hopatcong 77.5
Morris Knolls 55 1 Champion
Morris Hills 33 1 Champion
Belvidere 18
Outstanding Wrestler: David Standridge Fastest Pin: 12 sec. Tymon Conroy, Voorhees
Coach of the Year: LaValle, Hanover Park Team Sportsmanship: Randolph
North Division Champs: Randolph South Division Champs: Hanover Park
Division Dual Meet Champions: Hanover Park
52   56
1st Dylan Luciano Mount Olive 1st Anthony Cefolo Hanover Park
2nd Joseph  Renne Hackettstown 2nd Anthony  Fano Montville
3rd Miles  Taylor Montville 3rd Anthony  Carida Hackettstown
4th Collin  Hanley Mahwah  4th Billy  Rosario Mount Olive 
5th Bryan  Damon Jefferson  5th Thomas  Attanasio Voorhees 
6th Marc  Sisco Morris Knolls  6th Matt  Hart Pequannock 
60   64
1st Jan Rosenberg Morris Knolls 1st Mike Monica Montville
2nd Lou  Carusillo Pequannock 2nd Kyle  Paff Hanover Park
3rd Kyle  Bierdumpfel Mahwah 3rd Christian  Okulicz Voorhees
4th Thomas  Santos Hackettstown  4th Dylan  Crupi Randolph 
5th Sam  Cali Montville  5th Jake  Legotte Roxbury 
6th Craig  Roumes Roxbury  6th Jason  Gaccione Hopatcong 
68   72
1st Joe McKenna Montville 1st Anthony Botro Randolph
2nd Steven  Caserta Roxbury 2nd Joey  Mazza Roxbury
3rd Gennaro  Cuccolo Hanover Park 3rd James  Rivera Mount Olive
4th Chaz  Coppa Pequannock  4th Tyler  Kozimor Hackettstown 
5th Ron  Spera Mount Olive  5th Michael  Cali Montville 
6th Vinnie  Botro Randolph  6th Ryan  Higgins Jefferson 
76   80
1st R.J. DeGeorge Pequannock 1st Mike Polizzi Montville
2nd Xaviel  Ramos Hopatcong 2nd Timmy  Garripoli Roxbury
3rd Patrick  Healy Jefferson 3rd Steve  McKowen Morris Knolls
4th Eammon  Gaffney Hanover Park  4th Ryan  Nicotra Hackettstown 
5th Trevor  Albrecht Mahwah  5th Dylan  Offerding Mount Olive 
6th Ray  Timpani Randolph  6th Ricky  Levens Randolph 
84   88
1st Dave Heitman Mahwah 1st Sal Mastriani Montville
2nd Ryan  Van Pelt Hopatcong 2nd Dylan  Milonas Jefferson
3rd Nick  Giordano Hanover Park 3rd Alfonse  Scala Hanover Park
4th Timmy  Crooks Pequannock  4th Kevin  Mancuso Randolph 
5th Robert  Napolitano Hackettstown  5th Mike  De ore Mount Olive 
6th Michael  Gordon Montville  6th DJ  Wagner Morris Hills 
92   96
1st Lou Mascolo Hanover Park 1st David Standridge Randolph
2nd Corey  Kozimor Hackettstown 2nd Anthony  Mariano Hopatcong
3rd Mike  Intile Montville 3rd Frank  Mattiace Montville
4th Brian  Wrede Randolph  4th Charlie  Sevino Hanover Park 
5th C.J.  Caserta Roxbury  5th Pete  Smith Mount Olive 
6th Vinny  Peoni Voorhees  6th Cody  Papa Voorhees 
100   104
1st Michael Monarque Jefferson 1st Sam Peters Jefferson
2nd Jeff  Canfora Hanover Park 2nd Kevin  Collins Randolph
3rd Max  Gilmour Mahwah 3rd Jason  Rothman Hackettstown
4th Mike  Forlenza Montville  4th Justin  Jenco Mahwah 
5th Mike  Rampone Randolph  5th Dan  Glinko Hanover Park 
6th Jordan  Friedman Hackettstown  6th Morris  Lawson Belvidere 
111   118
1st Mike Amada Mount Olive 1st Anthony Johnstone Hanover Park
2nd Steve  Vitale Randolph 2nd Frank  Strumolo Jefferson
3rd Joey  Dimeo Hanover Park 3rd Rob  Smith Randolph
4th TJ  Kourgelis Mahwah  4th Chris  Dombroski Mahwah 
5th Joe  Gaccione Hopatcong  5th Ned  Ryan Mount Olive 
6th Anthony  Vasile Jefferson  6th Zach  Bohn Voorhees 
125   132
1st Mike Hafke Voorhees 1st Ralph DAgastino Voorhees
2nd Mike  Johnstone Hanover Park 2nd Steven  Strumolo Jefferson
3rd Ryan  Sblendorio Mahwah 3rd Nick  Cuccolo Hanover Park
4th Ian  Titus Belvidere  4th Jonathan  Matos Randolph 
5th Hunter  Meytrott Montville  5th Luke  Pragdat Mahwah 
6th Alex  Ioffredo Hopatcong  6th Taylor  Bernstein Montville 
139   149
1st Joseph Casale Morris Hills 1st Justin Rigoglioso Pequannock
2nd Max  Becker Jefferson 2nd Kevin  Hantke Randolph
3rd Joe  Ruggiero Pequannock 3rd Cory  Ziegelhofer Mahwah
4th Darren  Cimbal Randolph  4th Anthony  Southard Morris Knolls 
5th Kyle  Niedzinski Hanover Park  5th Frank  Schaafsma Hanover Park 
6th John  Saris Hackettstown  6th Michael  Mahoney Roxbury 
1st Mike Lomio Hanover Park
2nd Greg  Barnish Montville
3rd David  Anderson Pequannock
4th Fred  Jennings Hackettstown 
5th Mike  Calvo Mount Olive 
6th Chris  Bleeker Mahwah 
2006 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Sussex-County Tri-County Match Results Sus Tri
53 Dom Gallo – Stillwater Dylan Luciano - Mt. Olive 9-8 3 0
56 Austin Scrivani - Hampton Anthony Cefalo - Hanover Park pin 3:59 6 0
61 Jordan Kutler - Sussex Lou Carusillo - Pequannock 10-0 4 0
65 Justin Bellis – Branchville Mike Monica - Montville pin 1:05 6 0
69 Joe Hocking - Wallkill Valley Joe McKenna – Montville 17-6 0 4
73 Travis Bach – Stillwater Anthony Botro - Randolph pin 1:57 6 0
77 Avelino Jacinto – Stillwater R.J. DeGeorge - Pequannock OT 8-6 3 0
81 Zack Dipini - Wallkill Valley Timmy Garripoli – Roxbury 7-1 3 0
85 Nick Frankavilla – Branchville Dave Heitman - Mahwah pin 2:50 6 0
89 Devin Carter – Sussex Sal Mastriani – Montville 15-8 3 0
93 Chris Burge – Hampton Lou Mascola - Hanover Park 8-2 3 0
97 Derek Conrad - Hampton David Standridge – Randolph pin :53 0 6
101 Kevin Churchill - Newton Mike Monarque – Jefferson OT 2-0 3 0
105 Billy Gould – Sussex Sam Peters - Jefferson 7-1 3 0
112 Tom DiVitantonio – Branchville Mike Amada - Mt. Olive 12-1 0 4
119 Ethan Orr – Branchville Anthony Johnstone - Hanover Park pin 4:27 6 0
126 Billy Smith – Sussex Mike Hafke – Voorhees 4-0 0 3
133 Evan Bowlby - Wallkill Valley Ralph Dagostino – Voorhees 10-5 0 3
140 Michael Bellardino - Wallkill Valley Joseph Casale - Morris Hills PIN 2:23 6 0
150 Ryan Callahan – Wallkill Valley Justin Rigolioso - Pequannock 16-0 2:30 5 0
175 Stephen Mihail - Newton Greg Barnish - Montville 9-5 0 3
HWT Victor Ramos - Newton Mike Lomio – Hanover Park 8-2 0 3
Total: 66 26
2007 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
Montville 220 4 Champions
Jefferson 218 2 Champions
Randolph 198.5 3 Champions
Hanover Park 174 2 Champions
Mahwah 167.5 3 Champions
Morristown 157.5 1 Champion
Voorhees 137 2 Champions
Roxbury 130
Pequannock 121 1 Champion
Hackettstown 108 2 Champions
Mount Olive 68.5 1 Champion
Hopatcong 66
Morris Knolls 66 1 Champion
Belvidere 56.5
Morris Hills 27
Outstanding Wrestler: RJ DeGeorge Fastest Pin: Nick Gangemi, Randolph, :08 seconds
Coach of the Year: Nick Milonas, Jefferson Team Sportsmanship: Randolph
North Division Champs: Jefferson South Division Champs: Montville
Division Dual Meet Champions: Montville
50   54
1st Dylan Allison  Morristown 1st Joseph Renne Hackettstown 
2nd Marc Sisco  Morris Knolls 2nd Bryan Damon Jefferson 
3rd Bryce Kaufman  Jefferson 3rd Myles Taylor Montville 
4th Alex Carida  Hackettstown 4th Phil Calandra Belvidere 
5th Ray Smaha  Hopatcong 5th Joey lofreddo Hopatcong 
6th Conner Meytrott  Montville 6th Colton Riley Voorhees 
58   62
1st Anthony Cefolo Hanover Park 1st Jan Rosenberg Morris Knolls
2nd Dylan Luciano Mount Olive 2nd Troy Schaafsma Hanover Park
3rd Thomas Attanasio Voorhees  3rd AJ Vindici Randolph 
4th Andrew Rosensweig Montville  4th Kyle Bierdumpfel Mahwah 
5th Bailey Castner Belvidere  5th Anthony Fano Montville 
6th Chase Babus Hopatcong  6th Craig Roumes Roxbury 
66   70
1st Sam Cali Montville  1st Christian Okulicz Voorhees 
2nd Dylan Crupi Randolph  2nd Chaz Coppa Pequannock 
3rd Lou Carusillo Pequannock  3rd Mike Monica Montville 
4th Dakota Nobile Jefferson  4th Kevin Hernandez Roxbury 
5th Joe Zecca Hanover Park 5th Anthony Arce Hanover Park
6th Shea Bongiovanni Hopatcong  6th Glenn Haines Hopatcong 
74   78
1st Trevor Albrecht Mahwah  1st Ryan Nicotra Hackettstown 
2nd Frank Crippen Morristown  2nd Joey Mazza Roxbury 
3rd Steven Caserta Roxbury  3rd Eammon Gaffney Hanover Park
4th Gennaro Cuccolo Hanover Park 4th Xaviel Ramos Hopatcong 
5th Aaron Castner Belvidere  5th James Rivera Mount Olive
6th Ron Spera Mount Olive 6th Jesse Thares Mahwah 
82   86
1st R.J. DeGeorge Pequannock  1st Mike Polizzi Montville 
2nd Dylan Thorsen Belvidere  2nd Timmy Garripoli Roxbury 
3rd Ray Timpani Randolph  3rd Anthony Botro Randolph 
4th Ryan Higgins Jefferson  4th Patrick Ferguson Jefferson 
5th Dillon Artigliere Roxbury  5th Jake Knight Mahwah 
6th Cole Kourgelis Mahwah  6th John Wilkerson Hopatcong 
90   94
1st Dylan Milonas Jefferson  1st Dave Heitman Mahwah 
2nd Greg Gundy Randolph  2nd Patrick Healy Jefferson 
3rd Steve McKowen Morris Knolls 3rd Robert Napolitano Hackettstown 
4th Corey Forlenza Montville  4th Parker Meytrott Montville 
5th Gordy Pierce Morristown  5th Chris Forte Morristown 
6th Dylan Offerding Mount Olive 6th Ricky Levens Randolph 
98   102
1st Mike Intile Montville  1st Jeff Canfora Hanover Park
2nd Timmy Crooks Pequannock  2nd DJ Wagner Morris Hills
3rd Nick Giordano Hanover Park 3rd Dan Ingraham Morristown 
4th Des Towns Morristown  4th Joe Shadel Roxbury 
5th Kellen Moran Jefferson  5th Eric Calimano Randolph 
6th Brian Fuentes Hopatcong  6th A.J. Bongiovanni Hopatcong 
109   116
1st Kevin Mancuso Randolph  1st Sal Mastriani Montville 
2nd Brandon Coveney Jefferson  2nd Kevin Collins Randolph 
3rd Daniel Glinko Hanover Park 3rd Brayan Hernandez Morristown 
4th Jadaen Bernstein Voorhees  4th Michael Monarque Jefferson 
5th Willy Volz Roxbury  5th Tyler Van Dyke Pequannock
6th Sean Afflitto Pequannock  6th Jordan Perrine Hackettstown 
123   130
1st Jared Malson Jefferson  1st Mike Amada Mount Olive
2nd Mike Rampone Randolph  2nd Kurt Ferdenzi Morristown 
3rd Justin Jenco Mahwah  3rd Ryan Walker Mahwah 
4th Jason Rothman Hackettstown  4th Mike Malenga Montville 
5th Brian Smith Belvidere  5th Nick Bonavito Voorhees 
6th Darren Rabinowitz Morristown  6th Austin Given Hopatcong 
137   147
1st Ryan Sblendorio Mahwah  1st Ralph DAgastino Voorhees 
2nd Anthony Vasile Jefferson  2nd Luke Pragdat Mahwah 
3rd Zach Bohn Voorhees  3rd Michael Scardilli Pequannock 
4th Michael Costanzo Roxbury  4th Darren Dungee Morristown 
5th Kyle Allison Morristown  5th Will Sullivan Randolph 
6th Michael Spencer Pequannock  6th Marc Dalia Montville 
174   Hwt
1st Peter Wolmart Randolph  1st Nick Gangemi Randolph
2nd Frank Schaafsma Hanover Park 2nd Jajuan Williams Morristown
3rd Brian Guevera Voorhees  3rd Scott Burd Voorhees
4th Fred Jennings Hackettstown  4th Joe Ottainno Hanover Park
5th Xavier Rivera Morristown 
6th Luke Homeijer Morris Knolls
2007 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Sussex-County Tri-County Match Results Sus Tri
53 Dominic Koert, Lenape Vally Dylan Allison, Morristown 6-0 3 0
57 Dominic Galo, Sussex Joe Renne, Hackettstown 2-1 3 0
61 Sean Seik Anthony Cefalo, Hanover Park 2-12 0 4
65 Austin Scrivani, Hampton Jan Rosenberg, Morris Knolls 1-6 0 3
69 Matt Benvenuto, Branchville Sam Cali, Montville 11-0 4 0
73 Justin Bellis, Branchville Christian Okulics, Voorhees 1-2 0 3
77 Jake Cain, Sparta Trevor Albrecht, Mahwah 1-9 0 4
81 Avelono, Jacinto, Stillwater Ryan Nicotra, Hackettstown pin 4:08 6 0
85 Steven Churchill, Newton R.J. DeGeorge, Pequannock 2-9 0 3
89 Billy Hagany, Sparta Mike Polizzi, Montvile 5-2 3 0
93 Shane Risk, Newton Dylan Milonas, Jefferson pin 1:52 0 6
97 Nick Frankavilla, Branchville Patrick Healy, Jefferson pin 3:32 6 0
101 Zac Dipini, Wallkill Valley Mike Intile, Montville pin 4:00 0 6
105 Clarke Moynihan, Hampton Jeff Canfora, Hanover Park 0-2 0 3
112 Kevin Cook, Wallkill Valley Kevin Mancuso, Randolph 7-9 0 3
119 Drew Wagonhoffer, Wallkill, Valley Sal Mastriani, Montville 7-3 3 0
122 Mike La Bell, Lenape Valley Kevin Collins, Randolph pin 1:53 6 0
126 Joe Gaccione, Branchville Jared Malson, Jefferson pin 4:02 6 0
133 Ryan Grover, Branchville Mike Amada, Mt. Olive 5-16 0 4
140 Billy Smith, Sussex Ryan Splendorio, Mahwah 13-0 4 0
150 Ethan Orr, Branchville Ralph D'Agostino, Voorhees 2-0 3 0
177 Stephen Mihail, Newton Peter Wolmart, Randolph pin :27 6 0
Hwt. Victor Ramos, Newton Nick Gangemi, Randolph pin 1:19 6 0
Total: 59 39
2008 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
Montville 259.5 3 Champions
Hanover Park 233.5 4 Champions
Morristown 201 1 Champion
Jefferson 193 1 Champion
Pequannock 150 4 Champions
Roxbury 143  
Randolph 138 2 Champions
Morris Knolls 124 2 Champions
Mahwah 113 2 Champions
Long Valley 102  
Hackettstown 93 1 Champion
Morris Hills 70 1 Champion
Mount Olive 62
Voorhees 47.5
Warwick 27
Belvidere 15
Outstanding Wrestler: RJ DeGeorge - Pequannock
Fastest Pin: Joe Casale (:11 seconds) - Hanover Park
TCYWL Tournament Team Champions: Montville
Division Dual Meet Champions: Montville
North Division Champs: Jefferson
South Division Champs: Montville
Coach of the Year: Mike Monica - Montville
Team Sportsmanship: Morristown
50   54
1st Gerard Angelo Hanover Park 1st Marc Sisco Morris Knolls
2nd Matt Surich Mahwah 2nd Dylan Allison Morristown
3rd Nick Rampone Randolph 3rd Alex Carida Hackettstown
4th McKenzie Barkley Jefferson 4th Kevin Burns Jefferson
5th Colby Koshinski Voorhees 5th Conner Meytrott Montville
6th Steve Pocze Pequannock 6th Zach Poissant Roxbury
7th/8th Tyler Lucas Mount Olive 7th/8th Christian Mapura Hanover Park
7th/8th Eddy Ventresca Roxbury 7th/8th Daniel Nelson Mahwah
58   62
1st Cole Kreshpane Mahwah 1st Anthony Cefolo Hanover Park
2nd Myles Taylor Montville 2nd Bryan Damon Jefferson
3rd Joe Casale Hanover Park 3rd Joeseph Renne Hackettstown
4th Bryce Kaufman Jefferson 4th Collin Hanley Mahwah
5th Blake Dale Morris Knolls 5th Thomas Attanasio Voorhees
6th Tanner Morgan Roxbury 6th Nick Stanzione Long Valley
7th/8th Eric Jensen Randolph 7th/8th Tyler Stark Pequannock
7th/8th Steven Nicotra Hackettstown 7th/8th Richard Radici Montville
66   70
1st Anthony Fano Montville 1st Kyle Bierdumpfel Mahwah
2nd Troy Schaafsma Hanover Park 2nd AJ Vindici Randolph
3rd Dylan Luciano Long Valley 3rd Craig Roumes Roxbury
4th Derek Campbell Morristown 4th Joe Zecca Hanover Park
5th Dave VanDuyne Hackettstown 5th Andrew Rosensweig Montville
6th Chris Shrieks Jefferson 6th Anthony Carida Hackettstown
7th/8th Zach Walker Mahwah 7th/8th Guy Bock Morristown
7th/8th Tom Miller Roxbury 7th/8th Thomas Batelli Jefferson
74   78
1st Jan Rosenberg Morris Knolls 1st Sam Cali Montville
2nd Nick Lizza Montville 2nd Anthony Canfora Hanover Park
3rd Anthony Arce Hanover Park 3rd Steven Caserta Roxbury
4th Jake Legotte Roxbury 4th Austin Sisco Morris Knolls
5th Lou Carusillo Pequannock 5th Thomas Wightman Warwick
6th David Migliaccio Long Valley 6th Jamie Wendel Morristown
7th/8th Pat Bohn Jefferson 7th/8th Cody Ihling Voorhees
7th/8th Nick Knight Mahwah 7th/8th Vinnie Botro Randolph
82   86
1st Gennaro Cuccolo Hanover Park 1st Tyler Kozimor Hackettstown
2nd Mike Monica Montville 2nd Kyle Wiezbicki Warwick
3rd Frank Crippen Morristown 3rd Chaz Coppa Pequannock
4th Nils Holley Jefferson 4th Tommy Vazzano Mount Olive
5th Aaron Castner Belvidere 5th John Sickles Long Valley
6th Devon Lafranco Roxbury 6th Luke Bohn Jefferson
7th/8th Dylan Sullivan Morris Hills 7th/8th Tom Ciccone Hanover Park
7th/8th Ron Spera Mount Olive 7th/8th Brandon Pires Morris Knolls
90   94
1st Eammon Gaffney Hanover Park 1st Greg Gundy Randolph
2nd Ray Timpani Randolph 2nd Ryan Higgins Jefferson
3rd Dillion Artigliere Roxbury 3rd Michael LaRusso Roxbury
4th David Fano Montville 4th Cole Kourgelis Mahwah
5th Mike Deehan Long Valley 5th John Iseman Long Valley
6th Michael Szucs Pequannock 6th Matt Messina Mount Olive
7th/8th Luke Drugac Morris Knolls 7th/8th Adam Palmer Voorhees
7th/8th Chase Champi Morristown 7th/8th Myles Mislavsky Morristown
98   102
1st Dylan Milonas Jefferson 1st RJ Degeorge Pequannock
2nd Michael Cali Montville 2nd Corey Forlenza Montville
3rd Justin Parrish Mount Olive 3rd Kyle Robertson Hanover Park
4th Kevin Muller Randolph 4th Brandon Rothman Hackettstown
5th Pat Freuhling Morristown 5th Patrick Ferguson Jefferson
6th John Chiuchiolo Pequannock 6th Brandon Carcuffe Long Valley
7th/8th Nicholas Savino Roxbury 7th/8th Brett Gundy Randolph
7th/8th Jesse Windt Long Valley 7th/8th Jake Robertiello Roxbury
109   116
1st Desmond Towns Morristown 1st DJ Wagner Morris Hills
2nd Parker Meytrott Montville 2nd Chris Forte Morristown
3rd Timmy Garriploi Roxbury 3rd Pat Jameson Mount Olive
4th Ricky Levens Randolph 4th Brian Tedford Jefferson
5th Steve McKowen Morris Knolls 5th Greg Wallace Long Valley
6th Nicholas Matthews Long Valley 6th Jon Malazinsky Morris Knolls
7th/8th Luke Foukas Pequannock 7th/8th Corey Tarlowe Montville
7th/8th Jake Knight Mahwah 7th/8th Michael Matera Roxbury
123   130
1st Kevin Mancuso Randolph 1st Tyler VanDyke Pequannock
2nd Devin Sullivan Morris Hills 2nd Pat Murphy Morristown
3rd Nick Monteverdi Jefferson 3rd Steven Baker Voorhees
4th Darren Prado Morristown 4th Luke Meola Roxbury
5th Jon Arbelaez Morris Knolls 5th Steven Weis Morris Knolls
6th Frank Bursese Hanover Park 6th Pat Dunn Morris Hills
7th/8th Nick Stasiak Pequannock 7th/8th Todd Lawrence Montville
7th/8th Robbie Capaldo Voorhees 7th/8th Dan Reinke Randolph
137   147
1st Sal Mastriani Montville 1st Keith Lemongello Pequannock
2nd Kurt Ferdenzi Morristown 2nd Kyle Allison Morristown
3rd Steven Dallicardillo Jefferson 3rd Mike Sterlicht Morris Hills
4th Daniel Glinko Hanover Park 4th Giovanni Born Mahwah
5th Jadaen Bernstein Voorhees 5th John Wallace Long Valley
6th Troy Schweighardt Morris Knolls 6th Doug Sanchez Montville
7th/8th Morris Lawson Belvidere 7th/8th Daniel Smith Roxbury
7th/8th Dan Mormillo Pequannock 7th/8th Connor Duff Hanover Park
174   SHWT
1st Michael Spencer Pequannock 1st
2nd Marc Dalia Montville 2nd
3rd Ryan Flynn Morristown 3rd
4th Kyle Smith Morris Knolls 4th
5th Mike Purcell Roxbury 5th
6th Joe Clarke Hackettstown 6th
7th/8th Jake Davis Mount Olive 7th/8th
7th/8th Brandon Clark Long Valley 7th/8th
2008 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - JV Championship Tournament
50   55
1st Colby Koshinski Voorhees 1st Dominick Larusso Roxbury
2nd Eddy Ventresca Roxbury 2nd David Mathusek Mount Olive
3rd Sebastian Bassolino Hanover Park 3rd Shane Murphy Mount Olive
4th Vincent Paglia Hanover Park 4th Nate Howell Morris Knolls
5th 5th
6th 6th
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
60   65A
1st Harley Sacks Voorhees 1st Mike Oros Long Valley
2nd Sean Almgren Randolph 2nd Trey Zgombic Long Valley
3rd Joe Scerbo Hanover Park 3rd Gavin Ike Belvidere
4th Mike Yukas Mount Olive 4th Ryan Tolerico Roxbury
5th Marco Zecca Hanover Park 5th Matt Meola Roxbury
6th Justin Brouhard Roxbury 6th
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
65B   70
1st Gene Angelo Hanover Park 1st Austin Nash Hanover Park
2nd Nick Parisi Long Valley 2nd Angelo Mascola Hanover Park
3rd Alex Maya Mount Olive 3rd ? Aaron Loshaivo Roxbury
4th Alan Anagnostos Mount Olive 4th ? Scott Fernandez Voorhees
5th Craig Costello Randolph 5th Conner Fortune Morris Knolls
6th Zachary Miller Roxbury 6th Mike Saltzberg Hanover Park
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
75A   75B
1st Joe Becker Hanover Park 1st Christian Bassolino Hanover Park
2nd Ryan Kokawski Belvidere 2nd Caleb Isemann Long Valley
3rd Harrison Wittenberg Randolph 3rd Erik  Busch Voorhees
4th Ben Bremmer Roxbury 4th Jason  Belcher Roxbury
5th Matt Blumenfield Morris Knolls 5th Adam Warriner Morris Knolls
6th Lewis Hockenberry Voorhees 6th Jake Federico Randolph
7th/8th 7th/8th Matt Hosler Morris Knolls
7th/8th 7th/8th
80   85
1st Drew Derosa Hanover Park 1st Dan O'Neil Mount Olive
2nd Robert Caravaggio Roxbury 2nd Joe Badgley Roxbury
3rd Evan Vaccarella Voorhees 3rd Joshua Robbins Mount Olive
4th Thomas Darling Roxbury 4th Robert Shannon Long Valley
5th Antonio Amaral Randolph 5th Kyle Eckert Roxbury
6th Charles Neely Randolph 6th
David Becton Voorhees 7th/8th
Nick Steinberg Randolph 7th/8th
Donato Cassalaro Hanover Park
90   96
1st Joe Welsh Long Valley 1st Justin Bacilo Roxbury
2nd Nick Falzarno Belvidere 2nd Austin Holthaus Voorhees
3rd Todd Eckert Roxbury 3rd Greg Clint Mount Olive
4th Sam Sorce Hanover Park 4th Conner Heft Voorhees
5th Nick Giamarino Hanover Park 5th Danny Colabella Mount Olive
6th Mike Timpani Randolph 6th Sam Ruta Hanover Park
7th/8th 7th/8th Paul Holt Mount Olive
7th/8th 7th/8th
102   109
1st Jake Butkus Long Valley 1st Fabrizio Chavez Mount Olive
2nd Ryan Daly Long Valley 2nd John O'Meara Long Valley
3rd Patrick  Rampone Randolph 3rd Taz Salvetti Voorhees
4th Phillip Mathusek Mount Olive 4th Bubba Hink Mount Olive
5th Nicholas Savino Roxbury 5th Mario Bracero Long Valley
6th 6th Ryan Loftus Morris Knolls
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
116   125
1st Clayton O'Leary Roxbury 1st Ken Holt Mount Olive
2nd Ben Krulan Long Valley 2nd Gerald Neely Randolph
3rd Conor O'Leary Mount Olive 3rd Dan Reinke Randolph
4th 4th Tom Hunt Hanover Park
5th 5th
6th 6th
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
137   150
1st Nick Galgano Roxbury 1st Daniel Smith Roxbury
2nd Pete Andrich Mount Olive 2nd Christopher Klein Roxbury
3rd Mark Wolfe Belvidere 3rd Juan Chavez Mount Olive
4th John Michael Falzarno Belvidere 4th Thomas Stoll Long Valley
5th Shane Richeal Morris Knolls 5th
6th 6th
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
1st Jake Davis Mount Olive 1st
2nd Sean Smith Roxbury 2nd
3rd Jon Rohe Mount Olive 3rd
4th 4th
5th 5th
6th 6th
7th/8th 7th/8th
7th/8th 7th/8th
2008 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Tri-County Sussex-County Match Results Tri Sus
52 Gerard Angelo, Hanover Park Mark DiGeronimo, Stillwater Fredon 1-12 0 4
54 Dylan Allison, Morristown Dominick Koert, Lenape Valley 1-0 3 0
60 Cole Kreshpane, Mahwah Dominick Gallo, Sussex 0-7 0 3
64 Anthony Cefalo, Hanover Park Chase Babus, Sussex pin 4:33 6 0
68 Anthony Fano, Montville Jared Kobis, Branchville tf 16-1 5 0
72 Kyle Bierdumpfel, Mahwah Joey Spaziani, Hopatcong pin 4:25 6 0
76 Nick Lizza, Montville Jordan Kutler, Sparta pin 4:17 0 6
80 Sam Cali, Montville Matt Benevenuto, Lenape Valley 2-7 0 3
84 Gennaro Cuccolo, Hanover Park Jeremy Brands, Sussex Christian pin 2:00 0 6
88 Tyler Kozimer, Hackettstown Nick Romyns, Hampton Sandyston 7-0 3 0
92 Eammon Gaffney, Hanover Park Tyler Mastrogiovanni, Sparta pin 1:51 6 0
96 Greg Gundy, Randolph Xaviel Ramos, Hopatcong 3-7 0 3
100 Dylan Milonas, Jefferson Avelino Jacinto, Stillwater Fredon 2-0 3 0
104 R.J. De George, Pequannock Steven Churchill, Newton 6-4 OT 3 0
111 Desmond Towns, Morristown Johnny Wilkerson, Hopatcong pin 1:10 6 0
118 D.J. Wagner, Morris Hills Tyler Walker, Vernon pin 1:18 0 6
125 Kevin Mancuso, Randolph Clarke Moynihan, Hampton Sandyston 0-4 0 3
132 Tyler Van Dyke, Pequannock Joe Emering, Pride 3-5 0 3
139 Sal Mastriani, Montville Sean Camlin, Hopatcong pin 1:00 6 0
149 Keith Lemongello, Pequannock Kevin Pettenger, Branchville 11-1 4 0
176 Mike Spencer, Pequannock Aaron Demott, Branchville pin 1:19 6 0
Hwt Scott Burd, Voorhees Kevin McCode, Stillwater pin :30 0 6
Total: 57 43
2009 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
Montville 156 2 Champions
Hanover Park 118 2 Champions
Mahwah 116 2 Champions
Jefferson 109 2 Champions
Long Valley 107.5 1 Champion
Paramus 96.5 1 Champion
Roxbury 96.5 1 Champion
Hackettstown 67.5 2 Champions
Belvidere 62 1 Champion
Randolph 61.5
Pequannock 61
Voorhees 60 2 Champions
Morristown 58.5 1 Champion
Morris Knolls 31.5
Mount Olive 20
Warwick 11
Outstanding Wrestler: Tyler Kozimor - Hackettstown
Fastest Pin: Nick Rampone - Randolph (:17 seconds)
TCYWL Tournament Team Champions: Montville
Division Dual Meet Champions: Long Valley
North Division Champs: Long Valley
South Division Champs: Montville
Coach of the Year: John Sickles - Long Valley
Team Sportsmanship: Roxbury
Tournament Host: Randolph
50   55
1st Justin Bierdumpfel Mahwah 1st Gerard Angelo Hanover Park
2nd Kyle Kaiser Paramus  2nd Matt Surich Mahwah 
3rd Patrick Glory Randolph 3rd Nick Rampone Randolph
4th Colby Koshinski Voorhees  4th Eddy Ventresca Roxbury 
5th Kamel Brown Hackettstown  5th Joe Carmichael Pequannock 
6th Colin Loughney Long Valley  6th Justin Benett Hackettstown 
7th/8th Dan Rumsby Montiville 7th/8th Tyler Lucas Mount Olive
7th/8th Quinn Melofichic Belvidere 7th/8th
60   65
1st Matt Deehan Long Valley  1st Nick Suriano Paramus
2nd Lou Raimo Hanover Park 2nd Bryan Damon Jefferson
3rd Connor Meytrott Montville 3rd Dominic Fano Montville
4th Dylan Allison Morristown  4th Colin Personnette Long Valley 
5th Kevin Burns Jefferson  5th Hunter Szynalski Randolph 
6th Dominick Larusso Roxbury  6th Cole Kreshpane Mahwah 
7th/8th Paul Ginley Warwick 7th/8th Joe Casale Hanover Park
7th/8th Daniel Nelson Mahwah 7th/8th Blake Dale Morris Knolls
70   75
1st Anthony Cefolo Hanover Park 1st Kyle Bierdumpfel Mahwah 
2nd Anthony Fano  Montville 2nd Tyler Casamenti Paramus
3rd Jeseph Renne Hackettstown 3rd Andrew Rosensweig Montville
4th Collin Hanley Mahwah  4th Austin Nash Hanover Park 
5th Michael Szynalski Randolph  5th Dylan Luciano Long Valley 
6th Derek Campbell Morristown  6th Harrison Wittenberg Randolph 
7th/8th Bailey Castner Belvidere 7th/8th Christian Monslave Montville
7th/8th Anthony Antonek Jefferson 7th/8th Kyle Weis Morris Knolls
80   85
1st Christian Okulicz Voorhees  1st Sam Cali Montville
2nd AJ Vindici Randolph 2nd Steven Caserta Roxbury
3rd Austin Sisco Morris Knolls 3rd Lou Carusillo Pequannock
4th Joe Zecca Hanover Park  4th Joe Ginley Warwick 
5th Joe Trovato Paramus  5th Ryan Forero Paramus 
6th Eddie Marucci Montville  6th Anthony Canfora Hanover Park 
7th/8th Ryan Ferro Warwick 7th/8th Chase Champi Morristown
7th/8th Devon Lafranco Roxbury 7th/8th Jake Federico Randolph
90   96
1st Frank Crippen Morristown 1st Tyler Kozimor Hackettstown 
2nd Anthony Arce Hanover Park 2nd Gennaro Cuccolo Hanover Park
3rd Aaron Castner Belvidere 3rd Mike Monica Montville
4th Nils Holley Jefferson  4th Mike Deehan Long Valley 
5th Adam Fano Montville  5th Tommy Vazzano Mount Olive 
6th Cory Fleming Long Valley  6th Jake Legotte Roxbury 
7th/8th Kevin Hernandez Roxbury 7th/8th David Iodice Pequannock
7th/8th Ron Spera Mount Olive 7th/8th Luke Drugac Morris Knolls
102   110
1st Jesse Thorsen Belvidere 1st Dillon Artigliere Roxbury
2nd John Sickles Long Valley  2nd Harrison Gardner Pequannock
3rd Luke Bohn Jefferson 3rd Ryan Conger Montville
4th Nick Lizza Montville  4th Bob DelliVenneri Paramus 
5th Jonathan Patane Roxbury  5th Alex Rodriguez Hanover Park 
6th Nick Spinosa Paramus  6th Greg Altomare Mahwah 
7th/8th Tommy Burklow Pequannock 7th/8th David Harris Belvidere
7th/8th Tony Figueroy Hackettstown 7th/8th Anthony Colabella Mount Olive
118   126
1st Brandon Rothman Hackettstown 1st Dylan Milonas Jefferson
2nd Anthony Walker Mahwah 2nd Nicholas Matthews Long Valley 
3rd Greg Kooz Jefferson 3rd Jake Robertiello Roxbury
4th Brandon LoPresti Paramus  4th Ken Kane Belvidere 
5th Brandon Carcuffe Long Valley  5th Vincent Fierro Pequannock 
6th Adam Palmer Voorhees  6th Sean Mowry Morristown 
7th/8th Toby Beston Morristown 7th/8th Mike Burns Morris Knolls
7th/8th Michael LaRusso Roxbury 7th/8th Brandon Sebahie Paramus
136   146
1st Parker Meytrott Montville 1st Steven Dallicardillo Jefferson
2nd Darren Prado Morristown 2nd Christian Jenco Mahwah 
3rd Jake Knight Mahwah 3rd Morris Lawson Belvidere
4th Luke Foukas Pequannock  4th Matt Tozzi Paramus 
5th Daniel English Mount Olive  5th Kevin Reidinger Long Valley 
6th Nick Ruggiero Voorhees  6th Tony Chong Montville 
7th/8th Daniel Reinke Randolph 7th/8th Nick Stasiak Pequannock
7th/8th Joe Gomez Warwick 7th/8th Jack Graney Morristown
165   HWT
1st Jadaen Bernstein Voorhees  1st
2nd Mike Rettino Morris Knolls 2nd
3rd Luke Meola Roxbury 3rd
4th Ronnie Cobilich Montville  4th
5th Dan Mormillo Pequannock  5th
6th Evan Bray Belvidere  6th
7th/8th Anthony Lee Hanover Park 7th/8th
7th/8th Chris Smoltz Jefferson 7th/8th
2009 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - JV Championship Tournament
Tournament Host: Mount Olive
50   55
1st Nick Cormier Mt. Olive 1st Jack Lyden Long Valley
2nd John Tesoriero Roxbury 2nd Travis Arata Mahwah
3rd Dante Dezenzo Randolph 3rd Michael Corrente Roxbury
4th Thomas Montesano Roxbury 4th Scott Finnis Randolph
60   65
1st Zach Poissant Roxbury 1st Eric Jensen Randolph
2nd Ashwin Goyal Mahwah 2nd Troy Stanich Roxbury
3rd NikkoPerini Mahwah 3rd Sean Frier Morris Knolls
4th Shane Murphy Mt. Olive 4th Ricky Reimers Roxbury
70   75
1st Nick Parisi Long Valley 1st Michael Glasser Montville
2nd Eric Swedelson Mahwah 2nd Alex Vindici Randolph
3rd Alex Maya Mt. Olive 3rd Colt Williams Belvidere
4th Corey Richardson Voorhees 4th Tom Miller Roxbury
80   85
1st RJ Day Roxbury 1st Robert Caravaggio Roxbury
2nd David Eng Montville 2nd Thomas Darling Roxbury
3rd Chase Meola  Mahwah 3rd Connor Kolich  Mahwah
4th Clayton Birchenough Voorhees 4th Jason Belcher Roxbury
90   96
1st Kyle Eckert Roxbury 1st Joe Welsh Long Valley
2nd Justin Walker Mahwah 2nd Dylan Jacob Mahwah
3rd Eric Busch Voorhees 3rd Dan O'Neil Mt. Olive
4th Colin Clancy Mt. Olive 4th Todd Eckert Roxbury
102   110
1st Zach Spira Mahwah 1st Luke McCluskey Roxbury
2nd Danny Colabella Mt. Olive 2nd Mike Mutz Morris Knolls
3rd Dean Maneri Mahwah 3rd Tommy Dyer Long Valley
4th Booker McClean Montville 4th
118   126
1st Mike Moran Mt. Olive 1st Teddy Paz Montville
2nd Jerry Czyzewski Montville 2nd Taz Salvetti Voorhees
3rd Luke Nappi Morris Knolls 3rd Richie Westphal Long Valley
4th Conner Heft Voorhees 4th Andrew Moriyon Mt. Olive
136   146
1st Spencer Ross Mahwah 1st Mark Wolfe Belvidere
2nd Christian Cuellar Mt. Olive 2nd Robert Askew Mahwah
3rd Todd Lawrence Montville 3rd Issac Chang Montville
4th Joey Boyle Mt. Olive 4th Zach Kazaba Randolph
165   Hwt
1st Andrew Esposito Morris Knolls 1st Grant Sanchez Montville
2nd Thomas Stoll Long Valley 2nd John A Colabella Mt. Olive
3rd 3rd Jon Rohe Mt. Olive
4th 4th Ben Lauries Roxbury
2009 Meet Of Champions
Wt. Tri-County Sussex-County Match Results Tri Sus
52 Justin Bierdumpfel, Mahwah Mike Colaiocco, Lenape Valley 2-4 OT 0 3
57 Gerard Angelo, Hanover Park Calvin Brook, Hampton pin 2:48 6 0
62 Lou Raimo, Hanover Park James Gerold, Vernon 5-2 3 0
67 Bryan Damon, Jefferson Carmen Ferrante, Hampton 8-0 4 0
72 Anthony Cefalo, Hanover Park Jared Kobis, Branchville Fall 1:30 6 0
74 Anthony Fano, Montville  Chase Babus, Sussex Wantage Fall 2:43 6 0
78 Kyle Bierdumpfel, Mahwah Trevor Risdon, Branchville Fall 2:00 6 0
82 Christian Okulicz, Voorhees Austin Scrivani, Hampton 11-0 4 0
87 Sam Cali, Montville Tom Murphy, Hampton 1-3 0 3
92 Anthony Arce, Hanover Park Michael Derin, Sussex Wantage Fall 2:30 0 6
94 Frank Crippen, Morristown Chris Auer, Sussex Wantage 4-5 0 3
98 Tyler Kozimor, Hackettstown Nick Romyns, Hampton 0-6 0 3
104 Jesse Thorsen, Belvidere Colin Grimm, Branchville Fall 2:31 6 0
112 Harrison Gardner, Pequannock Connor Deem, Hampton Fall 2:33 0 6
116 Brandon Rothman, Hackettstown Joe Hocking, Walkill Valley Fall 3:12 6 0
123 Nicholas Matthews, Long Valley Ryan Ward, Vernon 13-2 4 0
130 Dylan Milonas, Jefferson Kieran Gerrity, Stillwater Fredon Fall :40 6 0
138 Parker Meytrott, Montville Garrett Armstrong, Hampton Fall :55 6 0
148 Steve Dallicardillo, Jefferson Kyle Jacksic, Pride Fall 2:57 0 6
167 Jaeden Bernstein, Voorhees Derek Durand, Vernon Fall 4:00 6 0
69 30
2010 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - Championship Tournament
  Team Team Points        
Parsippany 154 3 Champions
Hanover Park 152.5 2 Champions
Montville 120.5 2 Champions
Roxbury 112 2 Champions
Paramus 106.5 3 Champions
Mahwah 101 3 Champions
Jefferson 60 2 Champions
Hopatcong 49.5
Mount Olive 45
Long Valley 44 1 champion
Randolph 41
Morris Knolls 36.5
Belvidere 32.5
Pequannock 29
Hackettstown 29
Voorhees 24
Warwick 19
Morristown 15
Host: Randolph
Outstanding Wrestler: Dylan Milonas - Jefferson
Fastest Pin: Kyle Bierdumpfel - Mahwah (0:06 seconds)
TCYWL Tournament Team Champions: Parsippanny
Division Dual Meet Champions: Hanover Park
North Division Champs: Paramus
South Division Champs: Hanover Park
Coach of the Year: Joseph LaValle - Hanover Park
Team Sportsmanship: Pequannock
50   55
1st Kyle Kaiser Paramus 1st Justin Carifi Parsippany
2nd Mark DeAngelis Parsippany 2nd Justin Bierdumpfel Mahwah
3rd Anthony Clark Hanover Park 3rd Eddie Ventresca Roxbury
4th Will Guida Morris Knolls 4th Mike Esposito Pequannock
5th Quinn Melofchik Belvidere 5th Nick Rampone Randolph
6th Mike Mastroeni Hopatcong 6th Colby Koshinski Voorhees
7th/8th Nathan Bennett Hackettstown 7th/8th Ryan Anderson Hackettstown
7th/8th Thomas Montesano Roxbury 7th/8th Dom Merola Hanover Park
60   65
1st PJ Gohn Parsippany 1st Lou Raimo Hanover Park
2nd Gerard Angelo Hanover Park 2nd Myles Taylor Montville
3rd Patrick Glory Randolph 3rd Alex Carida Hackettstown
4th Shane Metzler Long Valley 4th Kevin Jones Parsippany
5th Anthony Mastroeni Hopatcong 5th Jimmy Criscione Paramus
6th Ronald Rumbsy Montville 6th Daniel Nelson Mahwah
7th/8th Kyle Tino Belvidere 7th/8th Ray Smaha Hopatcong
7th/8th Joe Carmichael Pequannock 7th/8th Dominick LaRusso Roxbury
70   75
1st Bryan Damon Jefferson 1st Nick Suriano Paramus
2nd Matt Deehan Long Valley 2nd Andrew Merola Hanover Park
3rd Dominic Fano Montville 3rd Evan Barczak Warwick
4th Robert Carmichael Paramus 4th Anthony Antonek Jefferson
5th Robert Spezza Hackettstown 5th David Van Duyne Hackettstown
6th Marc Sisco Morris Knolls 6th Cole Kreshpane Mahwah
7th/8th Joe Iofredo Hopatcong 7th/8th Anthony Smaha Hopatcong
7th/8th Thomas Malloy Parsippany 7th/8th Nick Stanzione Long Valley
80   85
1st Kyle Bierdumpfel Mahwah 1st Tyler Casamenti Paramus
2nd Anthony Fano Montville 2nd Stephen Persaud Parsippany
3rd Austin Nash Hanover Park 3rd Gene Angelo Hanover Park
4th Zach Kovacs Parsippany 4th Austin Sisco Morris Knolls
5th Craig Roumes Roxbury 5th Collin Hanley Mahwah
6th Mike Syznalski Randolph 6th Tommy Miller Roxbury
7th/8th Joseph Renne Hackettstown 7th/8th Jake Wilkerson Hopatcong
7th/8th Lucas Wightman Warwick 7th/8th Dylan Luciano Long Valley
90   96
1st Anthony Cefolo Hanover Park 1st Brandon Jones Parsippany
2nd Andrew Rosensweig Montville 2nd Lou Carusillo Pequannock
3rd Joeseph Trovato Paramus 3rd Santiago Arbalez Morris Knolls
4th AJ Vindici Randolph 4th Joe Zecca Hanover Park
5th Ryan Ferro Warwick 5th Devon Lafranco Roxbury
6th Chase Champi Morristown 6th John Schade Long Valley
7th/8th Kenny Morgan Belvidere 7th/8th Eddie Marucci Montville
7th/8th Anthony Ferrice Parsippany 7th/8th Alex Sebahie Paramus
102   110
1st Sam Cali Montville 1st Nick Lizza Montville
2nd Kevin Hernandez Roxbury 2nd Glenn Haines Hopatcong
3rd Christian Okulicz Voorhees 3rd Anthony Canfora Hanover Park
4th Christian Bassolino Hanover Park 4th Jake Legotte Roxbury
5th Matt Vozzo Randolph 5th Jake Federico Randolph
6th Tony Figueroy Hackettstown 6th Thomas Beishke Voorhees
7th/8th Luke Drugac Morris Knolls 7th/8th Scott Anderson Hackettstown
7th/8th Davin Tranfield Morristown 7th/8th Dean Drugac Morris Knolls
118   126
1st Jonathan Patane Roxbury 1st Dillon Artigliere Roxbury
2nd Michael Monica Montville 2nd Matt Zovistoski Paramus
3rd Tommy Vazzano Mount Olive 3rd Zach Spira Mahwah
4th DJ Barrett Hopatcong 4th Anthony Bassolino Hanover Park
5th Luke Bohn Jefferson 5th Tyler Dombrosky Belvidere
6th Jesse Windt Long Valley 6th Anthony Colabella Mount Olive
7th/8th David Harris Belvidere 7th/8th Justin Contreras Morristown
7th/8th Brett Mclean Parsippany 7th/8th Joe Fierro Pequannock
136   146
1st Anthony Walker Mahwah 1st Dylan Milonas Jefferson
2nd Kenny Kane Belvidere 2nd Jake Snyder Mount Olive
3rd Michael Weiss Parsippany 3rd Andrew Massefski Parsippany
4th Mason Sangillo Hanover Park 4th Thomas Stoll Long Valley
5th Fabrizio Chavez Mount Olive 5th Axel D'Addario Morristown
6th Brandon Sebahie Paramus 6th Taz Salvetti Voorhees
7th/8th Tom Rieg Hopatcong 7th/8th Nick Lashell Hanover Park
7th/8th Jazzy Singh Morristown 7th/8th Mike Azar Montville
165   Hwt
1st Robert Askew Mahwah 1st John Maciejewski Long Valley
2nd Nick D'uva Parsippany 2nd Spencer Ochner Pequannock
3rd Peter Sutton Roxbury 3rd Christian Pinto Randolph
4th Troy Bongiovani Hopatcong 4th Anthony Chacon Voorhees
5th Robert Hajnos Jefferson 5th Dave Reyes Morris Knolls
6th Noa Merritt Mount Olive 6th
7th/8th Mark Wolfe Belvidere 7th/8th
7th/8th Brian Bishop Morristown 7th/8th
2010 Tri-County Youth Wrestling - JV Championship Tournament
50   55
1st GJ Nazziola Parsippany 1st Scott Finnis  Randolph
2nd Michael McCreery  Mount Olive 2nd D. Badgley Roxbury
3rd Joe Dnafrio Morris Knolls 3rd J. Tesoriero Roxbury
4th Matt DeStefanis Randolph 4th Bryan Macdougall  Warwick
5th Shane Percelay Morris Knolls 5th Danny Rumsby Montville
6th 6th Josh Feldstein Randolph
60   65
1st Colin Regan Montville 1st Z. Poissant Roxbury
2nd Anthony Rallo Roxbury 2nd Dylan Hanlon Mount Olive
3rd Travis Arata Mahwah 3rd Michael Kastrunis Parsippany
4th Scott Zwillman Randolph 4th Ashwin Goyal Mahwah
5th Cameron Thorkildsen Mount Olive 5th Sam Spira Mahwah
6th John Serritella Montville 6th M. Corrente Roxbury
70   75
1st Scott Jarosz Roxbury 1st Eric Swedelson Mahwah
2nd Trevon Reid Mount Olive 2nd Kyle Winbush Randolph
3rd Max Schuman Hopatcong 3rd Mike Roumes Roxbury
4th Nikko Perini Mahwah 4th Mike Arnone Mount Olive
5th Paul Moore Mount Olive 5th Andrew Wierzbicki Warwick
6th R. Riemers Roxbury 6th Sal Lapre Morris Knolls
80   85
1st Zack Walker Mahwah 1st Matt Blumenfeld Morris Knolls
2nd David Eng Montville 2nd J. Belcher Roxbury
3rd Alex Vandici Randolph 3rd Dominick Hink Mount Olive
4th Thomas Frank Belvidere 4th Taj Smith Parsippany
5th Nocholas Sargente Warwick 5th Clayton Birchenough Voorhees
6th Vincent Acquaviva Montville 6th Ron Rice Mahwah
90   96
1st Mike Nigro Morris Knolls 1st RJ Day Roxbury
2nd Lucas Ettinger Voorhees 2nd Michael Illic Parsippany
3rd T. Darling Roxbury 3rd Connor Kolich Mahwah
4th Steven Giambrone Parsippany 4th Andrew Layton Randolph
5th Vinny Piciotti Long Valley 5th Brendan Armino Montville
6th Tyler Grieco Parsippany 6th Sean Taltavall Montville
102   110
1st R. Carravaggio Roxbury 1st Erik Busch Voorhees
2nd Justin Walker Mahwah 2nd Victor Cotto Hopatcong
3rd Mike Muscatello Voorhees 3rd Bryan Rodriquez Hopatcong
4th Cody Geidel Warwick 4th Tyler Gibson Voorhees
5th Sam Rosensweig Montville 5th Dale Hull Voorhees
6th Daniel Latuga Morris Knolls 6th T. Eckert Roxbury
118   126
1st Michael Carberry Long Valley 1st Andrew Moriyon Mount Olive
2nd Nick Toth Voorhees 2nd Phil Mathusack Mount Olive
3rd James Cranmer Hopatcong 3rd J. Bacilo Roxbury
4th Daniel Campbell Parsippany 4th James Brennan Parsippany
5th Dylan Jacob Mahwah 5th Dean Maneri Mahwah
6th Doug Ervin Mahwah 6th
136   146
1st Teddy Paz Montville 1st Ian Brigmen Hopatcong
2nd Cris Blundo Mahwah 2nd Joe Caggiano Mahwah
3rd Joey Boyle Mount Olive 3rd Danny Cappiello Hopatcong
4th Vinny Solimando Hopatcong 4th Greg Clint Mount Olive
5th C. O'Leary Roxbury 5th Michael Azar Montville
6th Matt Linzer Voorhees 6th Andy Sopchak Morris Knolls
2010 League Champions Meet
Wt. Tri-County NJGSWL Results Tri NJGS
57 Justin Bierdumpfel Zack Zieba 15-0 5 0
62 PJ Gohn Shawn Readington 3-1 3 0
67 Lou Raimo Colin Longacre fall 6 0
72 Bryan Damon Dominic Koert 8-0 4 0
77 Andrew Merola Max Meyer fall 6 0
82 Anthony Fano Max Nauta 4-2 0 3
87 Kyle Bierdumpfel Ryan Pomrica fall 6 0
92 Anthony Cefalo Steve Friedman 8-3 3 0
97 Brandon Jones David Mupo 7-2 3 0
102 Sam Cali James Patacco fall 6 0
108 Glenn Haines Tyler Petchonka 8-1 3 0
114 Nick Lizza Joe Scerbo 7-0 0 6
121 Jonathan Pantane Tommy Hooker 13-12 3 0
128 Dylan Artigliere Cody Leh 17-2 5 0
135 No Wrestler Kody Eichlin forf 0 6
142 Anthony Walker Jake Kocsis 7-2 0 3
152 Peter Sutton Luke Zehnbauer fall 0 3
167 Robert Askew Kyle Stoll 9-2 0 3
177 Christian Jenco Coey Deska 13-1 4 0
SHWT Bobby Chavez Drew Bye fall 0 6
57 30

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